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How We Developed the FUEL Reset and FUEL Mind + Body Systems

Science-based, Research-based, Experience-based Systems


We discovered the tools that make up the FUEL Systems while training endurance, power, speed, and body athletes who needed to maximize performance, but also needed to improve and then perfect their body compositions:  More muscle, less fat, faster runs, swims, and bikes; all with more resilience, better health, and delivered in an easy, effective format.

From that experience, and the expertise we had as coaches, certified trainers, massage therapists, and sports nutritionists, and registered dieticians, we put the system together based on research to support our experiential application of the FUEL systems. We spent more than 10 years researching, testing, implementing, and revising these systems.

The result has been incredible. We've developed tools to completely reset the way our clients use food. We've learned how to integrate diet with training to help not only competitive athletes, but also lay people who simply want to get fit, get healthy, and get lean.

Here you'll find the main body of research we've relied upon to build the FUEL systems. We've broken the research down into topics you may be interested in. 

Who This Research is For

The research here is for both our clients and for their health providers. One of FUEL's primary markets is the health industry - we work with doctors, Registered Dieticians, Nurse Practitioners, and other treatment providers as both clients and as a resource for them to help their patients with diet and exercise. 

The FUEL Reset System will change your need for medication. It's critical that you communicate with your doctor about what you're doing with the FUEL systems if you are on prescription medication. Your need for most medications will be significantly reduced on the Resets, including the initial 30-day Reset. Many of our clients see their medications reduced by half, and more, after the first 30 days. As your health markers improve, you'll very likely need further adjustments after the 30-day Reset.


We hope this accumulated knowledge is helpful to you and your medical providers, both in understanding why the tools work, and also in applying them to your specific situation. 


Let us know if there is something you'd like to see here, and we'll work to integrate it.

The Research

Outdoor Workout

The supporting research for the efficacy and safety of the FUEL weight loss tools:  Basal Metabolic Rate Planning, Macro Management, Meal Timing, Intermittent Fasting, Full Fasting, Carb Cycling, and more.

Image by Clem Onojeghuo

Cardiovascular Health

How the FUEL Systems impacts cardiovascular health (excluding heart disease, which has its own category)

Person Cooking Healthy Meal

The obesity epidemic in the U.S. is at the heart the FUEL movement to help Americans get well and beat obesity, once and for all. This is a solution that works for just about everyone. Here is the research we used to develop the Systems to combat out-of-control weight gain.

Man Doing Blood Test


How the FUEL System works for people with diabetes - safety research, efficacy research, and more

Image by camilo jimenez

Heart Disease

How the FUEL System works for people with heart disease - safety research, efficacy research, and more

Image by Robina Weermeijer

Kidney Disease/Renal

How the FUEL System works for people with kidney disease, including renal patients on dialysis - safety research, efficacy research, and more

Image by Hal Gatewood

Pancreatic Health & Insulin Resistance

How the FUEL Systems  impact cardiovascular health (excluding heart disease, which has its own category)

Image by Sam Moghadam Khamseh

Metabolic Syndrome

How the FUEL System works for people with metabolic issues - safety research, efficacy research, and more

Image by camilo jimenez

Through dramatically reducing chronic inflammation, the FUEL Reset is excellent for patients with neurological disorders such as Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, and multiple sclerosis. Our fasting protocols are also safe and potentially therapeutically effective in human neurological disorders such as neurodegeneration, stroke, epilepsy, as well as multiple sclerosis.

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